This is a legal document. Please read the entire document carefully. All competitors must read and indicate their agreement.
1. I understand the demanding physical nature of the event. I acknowledge that this event involves competing on roads, tracks, and trails, all of which may be utilised by other users. I acknowledge that running and walking involves the real risk of injury or death from various causes, which may include but are not limited to: over-exertion; dehydration; heart problems; disorientation; accidents with other competitors, spectators, volunteers, road users; equipment failure; unforeseen events; the course; or the weather conditions. I acknowledge that there may be other dangers involved in this event including (but not limited to): fire; hypothermia; heat exhaustion; venomous snakes; and actions of participants and non participants. I accept the risks associated with this event.
2. I accept all risks necessarily flowing from my participation that could result in death or injury, including permanent disability. Accordingly, I release all persons and corporations associated directly or indirectly with the conduct of the event from all claims, demands and proceedings arising out of my participation and I hereby indemnify them against all liability (including liability for their negligence and the negligence of others) for all injury, loss or damage arising out of or connected with my participation in this event. This release shall extend to and include the Perth Trail Series (PTS) and its directors, partners, managers, officers, agents, contractors, employees and volunteers including medical and paramedical personnel appointed for the event, the owners, licensees and occupiers of land upon which the event or any part of it is conducted, any statutory body or local authority having control over any land upon which the event or any part of it is conducted or which is involved directly or indirectly with the event in any manner whatsoever and promoters, sponsors and event organisers. This release and indemnity continues forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representatives and assigns.
3. I declare, as a condition of race entry, that I am medically and physically fit and able to participate and that I have undertaken sufficient training to compete safely. I acknowledge that I must, and I agree that I will, disclose any pre-existing medical or other conditions that may affect the risk that either I or any other person will suffer injury, loss or damage. I acknowledge that the event organiser relies on information provided by me, and that all such information is accurate and complete. I will carry any medication that I require throughout the duration of the event. If I become aware of any medical condition or impairment, that would impair my ability to safely complete the event or am otherwise sick or injured prior to or during the event, I will withdraw from the event.
4. I understand that the event organiser does not provide health insurance for me, and I will bear all financial responsibility for all and any medical treatment arising from my participation in this event; including but not limited to ambulance, doctor, and hospital fees. I understand that I should have my own medical, personal accident, and ambulance cover (as ambulance cover is not free in Western Australia).
5. If I am injured during the event, I give my consent for any medical treatment that the event organisers and medical/paramedical personnel believe is appropriate and necessary for my health, before, during, or after the event (including emergency evacuation and ambulance transportation). I also agree that if during the event I am injured, I will bring no claim, legal or otherwise, against the event organisers in respect to that injury.
6. I understand and acknowledge the dangers associated with the consumption of alcohol or any mind-altering substance before or during any physical activity, and I accept full responsibility for injury, loss or damage associated with the consumption of alcohol or any other mind-altering substance.
7. I consent to the use of my image by PTS and/or event sponsors, in the case that I am photographed or filmed during the event or related activities. I consent to my results (including name, age group, official finish time and place) to be posted on the PTS website. I also consent to having my name and contact information placed in the PTS database for the receipt of newsletters and other promotional material. My contact information will not be provided to outside parties without my consent. I understand that PTS may retain my personal details for marketing purposes and may provide this information to sponsors of this event. I certify that I am 18 years of age or older and have read this document and fully understand it.
8. I am fully responsible for the security of my personal possessions at the event. I agree that if during the event my property is damaged I will bring no claim, legal or otherwise, against the event organisers in respect to that damage.
9. I agree to provide accurate contact details of my phone number and email address. I agree to provide accurate contact information including phone number for my emergency contact.
10. I agree to abide by the race rules and directions issued by the event organisers.
11. It is acknowledged that the event is staged on behalf of the Perth Trail Series (PTS) and that it is being conducted by the Race Director (RD) in his/her capacity within the PTS.
12. I agree to wear the timing bib number that was assigned to me and provided to me. The use of any other participant’s timing bib number is strictly prohibited. I understand that the timing bib cannot be used for any race I have not signed up for.
13. The event organisers reserve the right to delay, alter, or cancel any event when there is a forecast of dangerous weather conditions. The event organisers reserve the right to change the advertised course without notice if the event organisers deem this necessary. I acknowledge that the event organisers may cancel the event due to weather conditions, safety considerations or any other unforeseeable conditions, and that in such circumstances my entry fee will be non‐refundable.
14. I understand that I will be running through lands managed by the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and/or Water Corporation and agree to abide by all signage and any directions given by those personnel. If the event is delayed, modified, or cancelled for any reason, including but not limited to acts of God or the elements including without limitation, wind, rough water, rain, hail, cyclone, tornado, earthquake), acts of terrorism, fire, threatened or actual strike, labour difficulty, work stoppage, insurrection, war, public disaster, pandemic, flood, unavoidable casualty, race course conditions, rescheduling or cancellation by Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) trail closure, or any other cause beyond the control of the event organiser there will be no refund.
15. The refund policy is as follows. Entry fees are non-refundable for non-starters and non-finishers. Your entry is not transferable to any other person. If you provide written notification more than six weeks prior to the event date you are entitled to a 90% of entry fees. If you provide written notification more than two weeks prior to the event date you are entitled to a 60% of entry fees. No refund will be given after that point for any reason. No refund will be given for a transferred event credit. No refunds will be provided for merchandise purchases; merchandise will not be posted and will only be available for collection at the event hub.
16. A $20 administration fee will apply if the timing bib number is not returned after the race.
17. I understand I may be asked to provide a GPX File to verify my race results. Failure to provide a GPX File may result in any placing being forfeited.
18. I acknowledge that the information given on this form or otherwise provided by me (or my parent/s or guardian/s) to the Perth Trail Series is true and correct. I agree to this release of claims, waiver of liability, and assumption of risk.