Summer Series
Summer Series! Woohoo!
Exciting, rewarding and so much fun! Challenge yourself and take your running off-road for the Summer Series. There’s 5 events in 5 breathtaking locations, all within one hour drive from Perth CBD. All courses contain hills and technical trails that will push you to your limits!
Join our complete Summer Series of 5 events and you’ll walk away with the prized MegaMedal!!! Or want just a taste? Individual event registrations are also available.
Each event includes 3 distance options: Green, Blue, Black
Green Course – Walk or Run, All about Fun! Distances range from ~4km-6km and usually take up to 75 minutes to complete. A great option if you’re just getting into the trails/running, or coming back after injury/break. Get a mate, get into these and get ready for FUN!
Blue Course – You love running and you’re friends think you’re fit! You can comfortably run 10km in the city. Distances range from ~9km-12km and for most runners it’s ~90min+ time on trail. If you’re currently active and looking for a good time mixed with a bit of challenge, get a mate and do this together!
Black Course – For the experienced runners! Distances range from ~13km-16km These challenges can take a few hours! And training is key. You’ve gotta get in the training to enjoy these, so get your training mate and have some friendly accountability competition!
Our Summer Series events:
- Stay Puft – Eases you into the trails
- Wallygrunta – Hills with stunning views
- Sly Fox – Sweet single track
- Qi Gong – Hills and valleys
- Swissmurdie – The hilliest of all
Register for one or register for all! Check out the events planned for our Summer Series!
Stay Puft
Sly Fox
Qi Gong
3 months of trail events – locked in!
Get in quick, our Complete Series Packages are extremely popular and Always SELL OUT!!!! We’ve designed all our courses to be amazing experiences regardless of which you do. If you’re along for the entire series, Woohoo! Get excited and get ready for 4 months of awesome adventure! We encourage you to stick along on this journey for at least 6 months, and of course, for life. But don’t worry we make getting fit super fun!