Our Commitment to Our Planet
Running on trails gets you up close and personal with the beautiful natural environment here in WA. We do everything in our power to ensure we leave no trace on the trails.
We plan all of our events with sustainability front of mind and we educate our runners to do the same! To always leave the trails cleaner and more beautiful than they found them. (We make it fun by awarding prizes for collecting rubbish on course)
We know the more people we get into our national parks the happier our community will be, so we create our events to be open to everyone. Anyone who participates will fall in love with trails… and when someone falls in love, well, you know what happens. You’ll do anything you can to preserve, protect and commit to this sacred gift we’ve been given.
Events Days we Provide:
- Reusable Bibs
- Reusable race belts which got rid of safety pins
- Collapsible Cup to each individual to be reused at future events
- Compost bins for fruit scraps
- Prizes for collecting rubbish on course
- Prizes for carpooling
- The option to refuse a medal, with a sustainable tree planting option instead
- Gpx files and google maps allowing courses to be accessed anytime (not just event day
- High Quality event shirts that you’ll enjoy wearing for years
- Ticket free check-in
Event Days we Use:
- Reusable Flagging Tape and course markings
- Solar Power for our energy needs
- High Quality, Australian equipment that lasts longer
Event Days we Support:
- Local Clubs (through financial donations)
- Local Vendors with organic options when possible
- Local Businesses (through partnerships)
- Local councils to showcase their area
- DBCA (with our commercial operator license)
Our Team and Woohoo Crew spend weekends volunteering in the parks, maintaining the trails to benefit all parks users, not just participants on the day.